
Friday, January 30, 2009

A Visit from Dear Friends

Last week we enjoyed a visit from the Stanley family. Left to right: Mrs. Stanley, Victoria, Harry, Esther, Tommy, and Pastor Stanley.
Pastor Stanley served as our pastor for 4 1/2 years. Lord willing, the Stanleys will leave next month for England, where they will be serving as missionaries. We are so grateful for the Stanleys' friendship and for the blessing and encouragement they have been to our family over the years. While we will miss each of the Stanleys very much, we are excited about what the Lord will do through their ministry in England!
Visiting togetherWe had fun watching some old videos of our families together... this one of Harry and David in 2002.While they were here we enjoyed visiting on the roof after dark......looking at scrapbooks......and playing together."Moose, Moose" is always a favorite game when the Stanleys come!Anna and EstherVictoria and Deborah

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

In Loving Memory

Our precious grandfather, Daddy Loren, went to be with the Lord on Sunday morning. We are missing him very much, and while we are grieving, we are grateful that Daddy Loren had accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour and is now in Heaven, free from all pain and suffering. We are also grateful for the long life that the Lord blessed him with - 86 years.

We wanted to share some pictures and a little bit about Daddy Loren's life with our blog readers.

Daddy Loren in first grade at Selmer Grammar School, 1929.

We aren't sure what year this picture was taken; probably about 1935. Our cute and classy grandfather around 1942. Daddy Loren met Mama Flo in high school. He sat behind her in class and teased her by taking her pencils and pulling her hair! This picture was taken during an outing to Shiloh National Military Park when they were courting. They were married in 1942; he was 19 and she was 17. Their beautiful example of faithfulness, loyalty, and love for each other throughout almost 67 years of marriage is such a special heritage for us!

Shortly after their marriage Daddy Loren went to serve his country in World War II.Before the war ended, he had achieved the rank of Sergeant, received 2 Purple Hearts, 2 Bronze Stars for exceptionally meritorious conduct, and various other medals and honors. The most dangerous and difficult time of his service was in Normandy in the days following D-Day. One of his favorite stories of the war was when he jumped in a foxhole on top of a German officer and took him prisoner!When Daddy Loren returned to Tennessee after the war, he went to work for Kroger and soon became manager of the Kroger store in Selmer. They also had their first son, our father Doug.This picture was taken in Michigan. Daddy Loren was the produce manager for Kroger in the Grand Rapids area for several years. All of Daddy Loren's sons remember him as a loving, kind, hard-working and generous father. He also had a wonderful sense of humor that all 3 of his sons inherited.

Daddy Loren and Mama Flo with sons Doug, Larry, and Phil. After Phil was born the family moved back to Tennessee and Daddy Loren started 2 businesses. At his funeral many of his former employees came up to us and told us what a kind and caring employer he had been, how generous he was to them, and how much they loved him. He treated his employees like members of his family, took them on trips, gave gifts to their families, and cared about their personal lives.

Daddy Loren and SarahDaddy Loren was a wonderful grandfather. He loved all of us so much and was so proud of us. He would sit for hours and listen to us practice our instruments! He was such a generous man. He was always showing up at our house with something for us, including musical instruments, souvenirs from trips he and Mama Flo had taken, carloads of groceries from Sam's, a new lawn mower, and on and on. Jonathan looks and acts very much like Daddy Loren did at his age. Daddy Loren always loved it when his friends would tell him that Jonathan was just like him! Jonathan was asked to play Taps at the graveside service - Daddy Loren would have been so pleased!The whole bunch (all the children, grandchildren and one great-grandchild) - New Year's Eve 2007 We had the privilege of having Daddy Loren in our home for the last few weeks. He was such a sweet, contented and grateful patient, even when his mental state wasn't good. We feel so blessed that we were able to have him with us.We chose Psalm 112 as one of the Scriptures to be read at the funeral because it is such a good description of Daddy Loren. "Praise ye the Lord. Blessed is the man that feareth the Lord, that delighteth greatly in His commandments. His seed shall be mighty upon earth: the generation of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house: and his righteousness endureth forever. Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness: he is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous. A good man showeth favor, and lendeth: he will guide his affairs with discretion. Surely he shall not be moved forever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. He shall not be afraid of evil tidings: his heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord. His heart is established, he shall not be afraid, until he see his desire upon his enemies. He hath dispersed, he hath given to the poor; his righteousness endureth for ever; his horn shall be exalted with honor."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to a Dear Friend!

We would like to wish a very happy birthday to our precious friend, Hope!
We met the Beeman family in 1990 and we soon became close friends. Here are some pictures of us together throughout the years.
Singing together at a nursing home in Garland, TXWe all made matching dresses for Hope's birthday one yearWith Hope, her brother Jedidiah, and James Amanda and Rebekah were Maids of Honor in Hope and James' wedding in 2004.
Our family with James, Hope, Jedidiah, and Patrick (Hope and James' oldest son) in 2006

Hope, James, Patrick, and baby NicolasHappy, happy birthday, Hope! We love you and we hope you will have a great day and a blessed year!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Peanut Brittle!

Last week Mr. Berry came over to teach us how to make peanut brittle.

Breaking nuts...he puts pecans in his peanut brittle, also! Yum!Thank you, Mr. Berry! It was fun and delicious!

Another Christmas

This post was created on Jan. 8th...but somehow it didn't get posted. Better late than never!
Our grandfather has been in the hospital since Christmas day and just came home this week. Daddy Loren and Mama Flo are staying with us for now and we have enjoyed having them here!
Last night we celebrated a late Christmas, Daddy Loren's 86th birthday, and Deborah's birthday together.
Opening presents Among other things, all of the girls got sweaters... ...and each of the guys got a book.
Amanda got some cute John Deere ornaments.