
Sunday, July 12, 2009

Celebrating at Papa's

We celebrated Independence Day and Mama Flo's birthday with some of Daddy's side of the family last week. Grilling the hamburgers and hot dogs Eating home-made ice creamOur little friend Bethany was with us and she and our cousin Allie had fun playing together. Here they're walking down the rows of soybeans in front of the house.
Playing "Follow the Leader" Visiting on Papa's porch ~ Mama Flo, Melissa, and Aunt Jeannie Daddy and cousins, Don and Elaine Cousin Lori brought some fireworks for the little ones.
Uncle Larry and David lighting the fireworks Allie, Sarah, and Braden (Lori's little friend) are ready to watch.
"That was loud!"
Riding the tricycle Bethany gets a ride The little ones enjoyed watching this turtle that we found.He wasn't very happy about being caught. David held this piece of grass up to his mouth and he hissed and bit it! A baby frog!
Playing "Hide-'n'-Seek"Allie rolls the ball to David :)Mama Flo shows one of her birthday presents to Allie.Happy Birthday, Mama Flo!

1 comment:

  1. I found your blog through Hope Gallagher's blog. I was thrilled to find another family who has similar convictions and the same ultimate purpose of walking with the Lord. Having grown up in a family of eleven myself, it is also fun to see another big family in action. :)

    May the Lord richly bless you as you continue to walk with Him!
