
Friday, July 24, 2009

Shiloh National Park

We always enjoy visiting Shiloh Park. Some of us spent a few hours there this week taking pictures and looking at all the beautiful sights.
This deer just stood by the side of the road and looked at us.
We took our mountain instruments with us for some pictures.
I love this little cabin!
David up in a tree!
The Tennessee River borders Shiloh Park, so we usually go down to the river when we are there. It was raining when these pictures were taken.
Sarah and Amanda
This is my favorite picture from this visit to Shiloh. It was taken from the top of one of the Indian mounds, looking down at the Tennessee River.
"Thou visitest the earth, and waterest it: thou greatly enrichest it with the river of God, which is full of water: thou preparest them corn, when thou hast so provided for it. Thou waterest the ridges thereof abundantly: thou settlest the furrows thereof: thou makest it soft with showers: thou blessest the springing thereof. Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness. They drop upon the pastures of the wilderness: and the little hills rejoice on every side. The pastures are clothed with flocks; the valleys also are covered over with corn; they shout for joy, they also sing."
Psalm 65:9-13

1 comment:

  1. Great pics!
    I wish we could hear you play sometime! :)

    I really liked the pic in the corner of the fence--just right!
