
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our trip to Pennsylvania - Part 4

On Friday we spent the day at the Palmer's house getting ready for the campfire concert on Saturday.
The guys stacking wood
An Amish family let us use their wagon for a stage. Sarah and precious little Caitlyn Eating lunch Caitlyn napping Bro. Palmer and Cody making a tool box Cleaning the trailor - Melissa, Rebekah, Emily, Mrs. Palmer, and Mama Mrs. Palmer gave Annie dog a bath. :)
On Saturday we celebrated Bro. Palmer's birthday.

Cody showing one of the birthday presents

Bro. Jack Palmer gives Annie a bite of birthday cake :)

Emily setting up chairs for the campfire concert

One church brought a bus load of people to the concert

The Amish family who let us use their wagon came to the rally

Cody, Janelle, and June petting Joey

The setting for the concert was so beautiful, and the weather was lovely!

Julie and her precious baby

We were so happy to see this sweet family again! We hadn't seen them in about 3 years!

Some of the Palmer's friends provided ice cream for everyone after the musicIsaiah, Emily, and JoriMary Beth, Ira, and MiriamSome of the children went inside the Palmer's house to play.
Janelle and CodyJamesIt was a great evening!

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