
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Our Trip to Pennsylvania - Part 5

Our second Sunday here we were at Calvary Bible Church. (The Palmer's home church, and the one we were staying next door to.)
Julie and Edwin teaching the children
Amanda and Keegan

Eating lunch after church
Mrs. Palmer and Julie getting a piece of birthday cake for Cody
One of the many beautiful farms we passed on our drive to church Sunday night
Hillside Baptist Church - where we had our Sunday night rally

During the children's program Cody loves to help pass out the little booklets
Deborah and Angie watching Caitlyn smile

Monday night we were at Faith Baptist Church
Sweet Cody
Cody holding the tuner for Melissa
Sarah made these adorable little outfits for Cody and Caitlyn
Mrs. Palmer and Julie visiting with friends

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