
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Miscellaneous Pictures and Happenings

After a very cool and wet few months, it's finally starting to warm up.

The blackberries are blooming...

...and our blueberry bushes are covered in little green berries.

The bees are busy collecting nectar and pollen.

Eva is loving the warmer weather and getting to play outside more.

A rose blooming by our driveway

We babysat these sweet little girls one evening while their parents went out for dinner.

Our friends, the Mosses, had a get-together at their home one evening to promote the National Bible Bee.  Mr. Moss is the host of the local Bible Bee.

Emily and William

Hudson turned 2 months old on the 9th.

I like this picture because it shows how chubby he is.

Steven and Anna had us and some friends over one evening for dinner and volleyball.  That was while our camera wasn't working, so only a few of the pictures turned out.

Here's Hudson

David and Steven look at something on David's phone.

Eva and Emma play in Eva's room.  These two are so much fun to watch together!

Last week was our final week of music lessons for this school year.  I snapped this cute picture of some students and students' siblings reading together while they waited during lessons.

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