
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Zoo Trip

We went to the Memphis Zoo with our church and some friends a few weeks ago.  Our camera stopped working while we were there, so the only pictures we got were on an ipod, but our cousin shared some of her pictures with us.

Eva loved seeing the animals up close

Chickens in the petting zoo area (for some reason Blogger is squishing all of the ipod pictures...)

Our cousin, Amy, and her daughter, Allie, joined us for the day.

Deborah and Livy

Melissa and Eva

Livy, Allie, and Mama Flo

Steven and Eva take a rest

The fountain is always a hit with the little ones.

(Sorry about the squished pictures, but they were too cute to not use.)

The Sting Ray Exhibit

We ate lunch with several of the families in this shady spot near the parking lot.

Steven entertains the little ones

Hudson, sleeping through his first zoo trip.

Oops, someone must have awakened him before he was ready.

"Petting" the polar bear

Nicolas, Emma, and Patrick

Livy and a sea lion

Eva and Melissa rode a camel together.

We all enjoyed the day, and look forward to next year!

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