
Monday, February 17, 2014

Play Date!

One morning we took Eva and Hudson and the 3 boys we babysit over to the Gallaghers house to play with them and their cousins, who were in town for the wedding.

Playing "Hot Potato"

Nicolas and Sarah

Sarah H., David, and Kathryn

Patrick is passing the "potato" fast!

These folks are OUT! They are waiting for the next game so they can get back IN.

Another game of "Hot Potato"

Next we did a relay race
Nicolas Crawls

Kathryn hops

Abram walks on his knees

Danny walks on his hands

Emma Crawls

Abram walks on his hands

Danny and Tony scoot on their tummies

Now it is time to read "Make Way For Ducklings", one of our favorite books

Look at this couch-full of cute kids, ready to start another game!

Our next game is an obstacle course, and Justin goes first! 
Balancing an animal on his head

Jumping jacks

Toe touches

Crawling under a row of chairs

Tony's having fun! 

Now it's time to read an ABC activity book 

B is for Blow!

Anna shows Eva how to blow the paper across the floor

C is for Curl - How tightly can you curl up?

What letter comes next?

H is for Hold

U is for Under

 The children were having so much fun!  I love all the smiles!

 Snack time

William enjoyed his snack!

Now it is time for a story about Jonah and a craft.

Sarah H. and Eva

Eva was being very silly!

Come get in the picture, Hudson!

Cute smile!

Hudson looks a little worried about who's holding him. :)

We all had a very fun day with so many little ones to play with!

Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 19:14

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