
Monday, February 17, 2014

After Party

After Melissa and Ross' wedding we invited all our relatives and out-of-town friends to come to our house for dinner so we could spend some more time visiting with them.

Mama and Amanda (and others) getting dinner ready

James G. and Sarah H. helping with the preparations

Some of our dear guests, the first to arrive - Mr. and Mrs. Hale, Daddy, Tia and Uncle Jack, Jonathan, Aunt Babette and Uncle Gus

David and Danny B.

Rachel and Amanda

The boys played basketball

Jared, Jonathan, and Caleb

David H., David S., Andrew, and Tim

Visiting with cousins

Meeting new friends

Daddy welcomes all the guests and asks everyone to introduce themselves

Cousin Tiffany introduces her son, Will

It was so much fun to have so many of our closest friends together!

Brittany and Amanda with little David

Sarah H, Kristina, Abigail, and Emily


A fun group of friends

The little ones enjoying their dinner

We made WAY too much food :)

Mr. Cullifer and David

Some of the guys...

...and some of the girls

These are Mama Flo's 4 great-grandchildren.  They were all together for the first time!
Carlynn, Allie, Hudson, and Eva

Aunt Judy and Carlynn

Rachel, Danny, and Hannah

Thanks for coming, everyone!  It was fun to have you all here!!

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