
Monday, February 10, 2014

More Wedding Day Pictures

A special thank you to our friend Allyn for all the wonderful pictures in this post.
We gave her our camera to use at the wedding since we were all busy. :)

Melissa and her flower girls

The bride and groom greet wedding guests

At the reception

Ross' mom and sisters, and a couple of the servers

Hope served the coffee, and Hannah served the groom's cake.

Laura Beth served the punch

Cutting the cake

Cute little Eva

We were very happy that Ross' great-grandmother was able to come to the wedding!

Decorating the truck

Ross HATES glitter! :)

Anna and Hudson, Sarah Hale and her nephew, Bobby

Daddy and Ross' grandfather

Getting ready to send off the new couple!

Nicolas looks sleepy!

I love Melissa's face in this picture!

Kathryn has a lap full of rice bags!

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