
Monday, February 10, 2014

Saturday - The Wedding Day!

This little sleepy-head woke up very early the morning of the wedding...

...but all he needs to make him happy is an iPod! :)

At the church, Hannah Hale, Sarah Hale, and Deborah mixing up the punch

Ross and Mr. Hale watch as Mrs. Hale stacks the cake

Finishing touches

Isn't it beautiful?

Ross and Melissa decorate the tables for the reception

Olivia getting her hair curled


Rebekah pins on Daddy's boutonniere 

Relatives begin to arrive

Cousin Amy helps Rebekah with her necklace

Aunt Judy fixes Emily's hair

Sarah pins corsages on Mrs. Moore...

...and Mrs. McCain

Silly flower girls

Livy and Allie

Rob and Mr. Moore

Aunt Susan and Aunt Jeannie

Aunt Judy and her granddaughter, Carlynn

Anna fixes Eva's hair

Our church's chime choir did the music for the wedding. Here are some pictures of them practicing.

Chris, our wonderful conductor

Emily, David, and Luke

Hudson and Steven

Some of the groomsmen

Aunt Susan, Misty, and Livy

We don't have any pictures from the ceremony yet, but we will share them when we do!

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