
Sunday, October 19, 2014

David and Rachel's Open House

A couple weeks after their wedding, David and Rachel invited family and friends to their home to celebrate their marriage.

One of Rachel's aunts had these signs made for them

I forgot to take a picture of this one until afterwards when someone had already taken it down.

Mr. Corbett welcomes everyone

It was fun to see a lot of friends we hadn't seen in awhile.

Enjoying the porch swing

Gideon is such a smiley little fella!

Melissa made the beautiful cakes.

Eva M.  and Allie


Elisabeth and Ella

Rachel and David, Hannah and Tommy

Grayson with a cute little strawberry face.

Judy, Rachel, Caitlyn, and Deborah

Our cousin gave David and Rachel this flag for a wedding present.

Mama Flo, Rebekah, Elisabeth, Ava, and Ella

Visiting with friends

Amanda, Cathi, and Rebekah

Elisabeth, Mama, Amy, and Caitlyn

Little boys and ipads  :)


Rachel and Eva M.

Mr. Corbett, Addie, Daddy, and Waylon

Jonathan, Daniel, Hannah, and Tommy


Deborah and Eva M.

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