
Friday, October 3, 2014

Random Summer Pictures

We had a very busy summer this year, so our blog was a little neglected.  Here are a few random pictures I came across earlier this week.

One of the cornfields behind our house

While Anna and Steven were here earlier this summer we took the kiddos to Shiloh one day for a photo shoot.  You can see the rest of the pictures on our photography blog.


We made doughnuts one of the days while Rachel was here visiting.

Two of our little helpers...Justin...

...and Abram

These filled doughnuts were so good!


David and Rachel at the Tennessee River the evening they got engaged.

We had a couple of weeks where we had an abundance of tomatoes from our garden.  This is just one counter full one of those days.  (The other counter and multiple buckets were also full - and notice the jars of salsa cooling on the third counter.)

One day's work worth of green beans. 

We would love to have posted more "people pictures" from the summer, but almost all of our people pictures include one or more of our little foster children.  So if you want to see people, you'll just have to come pay us a visit!

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