
Monday, July 11, 2016

Texas Trip - Part 1

In late April, I (Deborah) was very blessed to be able to take a trip to Texas for over two weeks!
I rode down to Texas with Anna and Steven and the kids, and we all had a great time!

One morning Daniel and some of his siblings ran a 5k in support of the Raffa Clinic.
Daniel won the race for the 3rd (or 4th??) year in a row!  :)

Corrie and Emma ready to ride

Emma enjoyed splashing in the puddles

Our dear friend Elisha got married Saturday afternoon. (wedding pictures stolen from her blog!)

On our way to the wedding - my sweet cowboy herding his run-away cows out of the road :)

Here comes the Bride!!

Mr. and Mrs. Travis Ehlinger!

Elisha and Anna have been close friends for MANY years.

I love every minute I get to spend with this man!!

Amy (Daniel's sister-in-law) took this picture one night when I was watching Tom and Jerry with her little ones.

A cute little snake Peter caught :)

Daniel and Benny shipping chicks to a customer

Aren't they cute?

Mr. Hale, his sons, and sons-in-law building a carport for Sarah and Cody

Daniel and me taking a walk to check out some property that's for sale

I went to the Farmers' Market with the Hutchins girls one morning.  We had a lot of fun!

I got to be in Texas for Daniel's birthday!
All the family came over for dinner

Mr. and Mrs. Hale with their 8 grandchildren

In the back of Sam's truck, headed over to the McKees'

A fun evening at the Hutchins'...with Blue Bell of course! :)

Sarah and Cody about to leave for deliveries

This guy buys the left-over chicks from Daniel's hatchery to feed to his 100+ snakes!

I enjoyed holding this Boa! :)

Sarah held it too

When the snake got tired of us he slithered up onto the truck to rest :)

Emma and Eva "helping" Sarah in her garden

Eva, Emma, Corrie, and Hudson

Hudson loved "baby Torrie"

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