
Monday, July 11, 2016

Texas Trip - Part 2

At the end of my time in Texas, the rest of our family (except a few who had to stay home due to sickness) joined me there.

Daniel took Hudson and our little guys on a tour of the farm

Visiting the incubators

I LOVE these pictures!  Daniel is so sweet to all our little ones!

"Helping" move the fence for the cows


Hudson loved them!

Meeting the newest calf

Corrie is such a dear!

Most of our clan went to the park one morning for a picnic

Rachel took these pictures for us

Feeling very blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life!




Peter, Esther, and Corrie


Peter impressed us all by jumping down from all the way up there!

Jon and Eva

Peter and David

Mrs. Beeman packed us a lovely lunch!

Rachel, David, and Andrew


Sweet girls

Emily and Amanda

Such a funny face!


Sarah and Cody's wedding rehearsal

Adriene, Hannah, and Sarah

Cody, Garret, and Daniel

The happy couple!

Mr. and Mrs. Hale

I was commissioned as wedding coordinator

Sending the little ones down the aisle :)
Anna and Michael

Bella and Bobby

I love their faces in this picture!

Some of the McNeil kiddos

Visiting with friends

Rehearsal dinner

These guys fixed a lovely meal!

Hugh is so jolly!

<3 Wedding Day <3
(Photo credits to David and Brittany Pennington)

Sarah with her little attendants

Hannah, Sarah, and Adriene

Mr. and Mrs. Cody Helm!

Leaving the reception

On our way back to Tennessee we stopped at a park for lunch...which we shared with this cute little guy...

The boys loved that! 

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