
Monday, December 12, 2016

Texas Trip - Friday Morning

A few days after Deborah and Daniel got home from their honeymoon, we took a trip to Texas for a reception for them down there.

Visiting with D&D and other Hales

Friday morning Rachel and her girls invited us over for a tea party.

Hannah and Cayla



Bella, Emma, and Anna

Deborah, Corrie, Esther, Hannah, Cayla

Sarah and David

Next we walked down to Deborah and Daniel's new house to help them with some work.

Mama and Mrs. Hale cleaning the kitchen cabinets


We also did plenty of visiting while there.

Hannah and Emma showing me around the property

A beautiful field

The house from the back

Corrie, Hannah, and Emma

The Malletts arrive

Sonya, Daniel, and Deborah

More visiting...

...and more working

Merry and Liberty

Pulling up carpet in the master bedroom

Corrie wants to help

Pretty roses in D&D's front yard

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