
Saturday, December 10, 2016

The Hale Edition: Our Honeymoon :)

After leaving the wedding, Daniel and I stopped at this lovely Bed and Breakfast
on the Tennessee River

We enjoyed writing our names together in the guest book!

Spending some time at the river the next morning before heading up to the mountains

It was a beautiful drive!

Our cabin for the week

Panoramic view of the cabin
(We were enjoying the wifi in our cabin, watching Dr. Suess' "The Sneetches", something special for us because we watched it together up in Maryland the week we fell in love with each other.)

There has been very little rain in Tennessee lately so there wasn't much coming over the Falls. It was still breathtakingly beautiful!!

Fall Creek Falls State Park

Hiking down to the bottom of the highest Falls

There was a very cool wind inside the canyon

From this side of the pool we could feel the mist

We chose a lovely spot for our picnic lunch

The view we were looking at in the pictures above

Here's where we were

I loved all the swinging bridges!

We saw this neat place from one side of the canyon and knew we wanted to hike over there!

We made it!

Daniel carved our initials on the rock :)

Another adventure was this cable trail to the bottom of one of the Falls

It was a lot steeper than it looks!

In some places the cable was so high we couldn't even reach it

We made it to the bottom!

These Falls were completely dry

Driving around the park one morning we saw a sign for Fire Tower road and decided to look it up. A google search revealed that there WAS a fire tower on the top of the mountain, and that visitors were allowed to climb up and take a look!  The climb up the mountain was beautiful.

The Fire Tower

It was well worth the climb!

This place was SO beautiful!

We thought it would be fun to climb up inside this hole

And here we are inside!

We walked down the creek a little ways and found a nice picnic spot

We used the timer on the camera a lot! :)

One night we hiked until dark

Our last day in the mountains we wanted to visit the Sgt. Alvin C. York home and mill.

The visitor's center

We had a guided tour of the home built for him by the people of Tennessee who were grateful for his service

York's bedroom

The hospital bed (latest technology of that day and time!) where York spent much of his time the last few years of his life. This bed could even stand him up straight!

Other sights in the York home

Mother York's bonnet

The Mill

Inside the Mill

A replica of the trenches where York fought in Germany

And, just in case you can't tell, we had an absolutely WONDERFUL time on this trip!!! :)

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