
Tuesday, May 9, 2017


On Saturday, May 6th, four of us (Rebekah, David, Daniel, and our cousin, Amy)
did something none of us had ever done before....  We ran a 10K!!!

Here we are, looking nice and fresh before the race
(L to R - Amy, Rebekah, Daniel, David)

We knew it would be a long (and lonely) time to be running alone, so 
Amy and I had decided we'd go together, and just enjoy our time

Just one week before, our two-member "running team" had been a team of three,
but the Saturday before the race, one of our group suffered a concussion and was
not able to join our run, though our sweet, loyal sister was there to cheer us on!
(thoroughly protected from the glaring sun, as she wasn't fully recovered from the head trauma)
We missed having you run with us, Rachel!!! 😢

At 8:20 that morning, a very special group of racers began - the wheelchair division!
There were 6 children being pushed in their chairs, and toward the middle of the picture 
below, you'll see Jay, an amazing racer, and the only self-propelled wheelchair in the race

I HAD to include this picture, and make it as big as I could, because the brilliant, smiling face of this lovely girl truly blessed my heart!
While we were standing there, waiting (nervously) for the race to begin, this precious girl was there, grinning merrily, and bringing joy to everyone who looked her way. 
I don't think that smile ever left her face!  She was like a ray of sunshine!

Isn't she precious??!!

Here is Jay, already quite a bit ahead...
(and little "Sunshine":) )

After giving the wheelchairs a head start, the rest of us began to assemble.
There were 1,303 runners from all over the country
(Look at this humongous group! I had never before tried to run in such a mob!)

Daniel is an excellent runner, and was able to start near the front of the 
"pack" with the other fast racers.
(That's him in the camo shirt, with a cap and sunglasses)

Amy and I started waaaaay back - with the other slow folk.
(We are the two waving in the picture below, behind the ladies in white, green, and mint)
Just look at the mob we were in, and imagine trying to run in this!
It didn't even begin to thin out until we'd gone about a mile...but I had good company, so it didn't matter!

David got injured near the beginning of the race, but in this crowd, none of our
group even saw him and we all ran right past!

The race wound through a beautiful residential area, where many families
were standing by, cheering us on from their front yards.  That was fun and encouraging!
We have no pictures of it though, since our photographers didn't run along beside us... the very next picture we have is of the swift and fit-looking 1st place finisher,
as he sprints toward the finish line!!!  HOORAY!!!! 

WOW!!!   A 32 minute, 53 second finish!

And here comes Jay!
In just 45 minutes and 26 seconds, Jay propels himself across the finish line!

...crossed the finish line in 48.22!
Daniel was finisher #113, of 1,303 runners!
Way to go, Daniel!

Deborah was waiting at the finish line to congratulate her runner!

Oh my! I look like I'm running away from Amy! (Sorry, Amy!)
Even though our "run" together had been extremely enjoyable, I think I must
have seen the finish line approaching and just wanted to be finished!

This picture's just proof that we both finished!

Our friend and neighbor, Mr Germany, at 81 years old,
finished in 1 hour and 21 minutes!

After waiting around for David for awhile (remember that he was injured
not far into the course) Daniel volunteered to go back in search of him.
By this time he had recovered enough, and was finishing the race at a jog
We were so happy to see him coming!  "Come on, David!!"

After 1 hour, 44 minutes, and 19 seconds 
the last of our group crossed the finish line!

Happy that it's over, and SO HAPPY that we did it!!!

(Who's ready for a marathon next year???)

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