
Tuesday, May 9, 2017

The Lewis Edition: April Happenings

Happy Resurrection Day!!!

Easter weekend we had the opportunity to go camping.
The campground at Lavon Lake was full, so
we ended up camping in this beautiful spot!

Lake Holbrook

 Such a quiet, peaceful place!

 Nighttime on the lake

The next morning Russell practiced ...

 ... while I took pictures.

We so enjoyed the wildlife at this lake!
There were so many songbirds, as well as water birds, 
squirrels and ... snakes! 

Daddy, Mommy and baby

Water snake

The area where we camped:

That particular weekend happened to be the weekend of the
Highway 80 Sale, which made things all the more fun!
We enjoyed stopping and looking at what various people
 were selling.

 We also got to tour several tiny homes!

Next, we walked around downtown Wills Point ... one of those
 neat, "Texas-looking" towns!  I love the brick streets.

We ended the day eating at one of our favorite places,
Taco Cabana.

Easter morning we got up earlier than bright and early ;)
and headed to Greenville to attend church with
Deborah and Daniel.

Sunrise service

 Looking a little rough after a couple days of camping! ;)
(And thanks to Deb for many of these pictures!)

After a special worship service and brunch,
Deb and Dan joined us at the campsite!

Our little tent and their big tent ...
or, "the big house" and "the servant's quarters"! ;)


Russell and I making breakfast the next morning


We had so much fun spending time with these two ...
 or, should I say "three"? ;)

And, now, back home ...
after waiting nearly a month, we finally
 had the first visitor to our bird feeder!

We named him, "Chip," because that's what he says. :)

Peek-a-boo, Chip!
 Chip and his wife :) have become regular visitors.
We've also had chickadees, sparrows and finches.
 They are such fun to watch!

Calligraphy practice

The weekend after Easter, Deborah came and 
spent the day with us while Daniel attended 
a fire fighter class in a nearby town. 

Deb helped me repot my vegetable plants
 into 5 gallon buckets.  They are very happy 
with the extra room!

Here they are on a beautiful, rainy day!

The tomatoes have really shot up this month, going from this ...

... to this!!

A doughnut from my fella ... 
one of several this month! 😍

God is good!!!

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