
Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Caitlyn's First Few Days

Prepare to be overwhelmed by cuteness!!!

Just a few hours old

Caitlyn meets her Ima...

...and some of her cousins.

With Grandmama

Trinity and Caitlyn

Meeting Papa Bear

Meeting more cousins (and an aunt and uncle)

More of our family came down on Tuesday.


Mama Flo

Aunt Emily

Our cousin, Misty


Samuel is spending a few weeks with Rebekah, so came down with the family to meet Caitlyn.

I love how she's staring so intently at her mama here!

Looking at Deborah's baby pictures - Caitlyn resembles her a little.

Visiting with friends

Caitlyn was born on Bethany's birthday!

Amanda and Mama Flo


Dinner at D&D's Thursday evening

Jonathan and Peter

Meeting more of the cousins

Four generations!

And one last picture of the little doll (for now - Deb will have to post more now that we're back in TN!)

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