
Thursday, September 7, 2017

Bekah's Buddy!

In early August, my dearest little buddy (okay, maybe not so little anymore) Samuel, from South Carolina, was able to come spend a couple weeks with me again! 😊
His time here was exactly what I had been missing... the perfect ending to my summer!

His coming was a last-minute decision (less than 22 hours from the time I first got the word, to the time he was here - MINE for two weeks!!!) so I hadn't had time to prepare anything special.
Usually when he comes, he and I spend lots of time learning and doing things together,
but this time he just joined right into our busy, FULL, schedule!

Here he is that first day, finally on his way to his Bekah's house!
(I took the picture to text to his Mama, who I knew was missing her precious boy!)
Isn't this the most adorable face ever??!!

Unfortunately, I don't have many pictures, but I'll share what I do have...
We were running the whole time he was here, so even though the pictures are few, they'll give a little look into some of what we did...  

Deborah and Daniel's dear little Caitlyn arrived the first night Samuel was here,
so a trip to Texas to see her was included in his visit.  
What fun it was for me, to have him along on the long road trip!

Here he and Jonathan love on our precious baby girl

Another Texas baby for him to enjoy!
Two mornings, Samuel and I walked a mile and a half up the road 
to spend a little time with Daniel's sister and her sweet baby, Trinity. 

What an exciting treat!
Samuel got to pick pears at Daniel's parents' house!

Back in Tennessee, just after returning from our Tx trip, Melissa and Ross
and their kids came down for a few days.

Wish I had more pictures!  I snapped these on my phone
one morning, just after Hugh woke up.  He and Samuel were so dear together!

This was one of the highlights of Samuel's visit, and I'm really sorry
I don't have a better picture! 
Samuel went with me to  spend time with some of my other dear buddies, and he talked
about "Riley" and "Riley's robots" for days afterwards.
Sweet Riley and his sisters blessed Samuel (and me) tremendously with their love!

Samuel is always eager to go spend time with his
dear, long-time friend - our neighbor, Scott 

A trip to visit our pastor and his family on their farm was
something else that Samuel is not going to forget!!
(So sorry only two girls in the picture) 

My tender-hearted boy noticed that my new student was
feeling a little nervous on her first day, so he put his arm around
her shoulders and helped put a little smile on her face :)

Bedtime stories! One of the highlights of having my boy here!!!
I snapped this picture to send to his parents one night, and I'm disappointed that I 
didn't get a better one... but I have to include it since it's one of the things I look forward to the most when he comes 

And I'll add one last silly selfie of Bekah and her Buddy,

Bekah misses you, Samuel, more than you can know!
❤❤❤❤❤❤I love you so much❤❤❤❤❤❤

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