
Monday, May 7, 2018

Jeremiah 10:13 "When He uttereth His voice, there is a multitude of waters in the heavens, and He causeth the vapours to ascend from the ends of the earth; He maketh lightnings with rain, and bringeth forth the wind out of His treasures."

Praise the Lord for directing the weather in the way He knows is best, 
because we never would have chosen the weather we had for the first two walks/runs of the year!

The "Walk for Life" on April 7 was freezing - literally!
(This was a fundraiser for the Oasis Medical Center
-defending the lives of those who are unable to defend themselves)
Rebekah, Sarah, and Emily, with Morgan and Diona 

 The sleet and snow ended about an hour before the walk began
but the cold wind remained...and we had such a marvelous time!! 😊 

I was so grateful that one of my brave little buddies 
was able to join me for this walk, because...

...less than a month later I was "forced"
to run a 10k all alone!!!
(okay, I chose to run it, but I had no idea that I'd end up 
going that whole way by myself!)

Don't I look lonely?  I was, and pretty "terrified" to think
that I was about to embark on this long journey alone and in the rain!

The picture below was from last year, and
it was the group I'd hoped to run with again, but due to work schedules, sickness, tests, and the weathernone of the others were able to make it after all.

As the 1,000 runners began to assemble, at least it was of 
some comfort to see one familiar face in the crowd!

As usual, Jay wheeled himself to a fantastic finish! 
(I think it was like only 44 minutes!)

The downpour ceased shortly before the race began, and though it

 sprinkled on us most of the race, it was not too uncomfortable

And here I come...finally...soggy and stinky...
(3rd from the left, with the red truck in my background)

getting closer...

and this is the last picture -just before I entered the finisher's chute

I won't record my time because it was embarrassing, but I did finish, in spite of the weather...and my loneliness

Here is a short clip of Jay's start, then the race's start

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