
Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Lewis Edition: April

April flowers!

We were so excited to find this set of camping dishes on clearance!
They remind me of our doll house dishes from days gone by!

Speaking of which, my project from last month is completed!

Daddy and Mama gave this General Store kit to me for Christmas when I
was about 10 years old.  Daddy and I painted, stained and put it together, and
we girls and our friends spent many, many enjoyable hours playing with it.
It has always been very special to me.
It had come apart from being stored in the attic, and I had so much fun
getting it out and "restoring" it!  

A close-up :)

 Classical guitar soloist Lily Afshar
with the Marshall Symphony.
Her performance was amazing!

The orchestra warms up ... or visits! ;P 

Lydia and Anna spent a couple days with us
while their parents went on an anniversary trip.

They enjoyed the General Store ...

 ... and making cards!

In April we enjoyed three wonderful weekends
in a row spent with family!

The first was a weekend at Lake Tawakoni with the
Corbetts, Hales, and Sarah, Rebekah and Jonathan!

S and A's camper and our tent

 Lake Tawakoni from our campsite

So pretty!

It was surprising how many people fit inside the camper,
and yet it didn't seem crowded!
Maybe because we were just having so much fun being together!!!

At any given time, Caitlyn has a host of adoring fans! 

Hudson in his own little bunk

 There was a very nice playground at the campground
which the kids enjoyed.

 Three cute sweeties!

This racoon was hungry and quite tame!

Eva didn't want to get too close (me, either!)!

 Hudson's bravery and patience paid off and he got to feed it!

The second weekend Anna, Deborah, the kids and I met in Mineola
to shop the Hwy. 80 Yard Sale.  It was a busy and fun-filled day,
and we each found some treasures!
I didn't get any pictures of us at the sales because we
were busy hanging onto little people, crossing traffic,
and, of course, looking at all the stuff for sale!

We brought lunches, and Deborah had the bright idea
to eat in the gazebo near the train track.

Look!!!  A train is coming!

 It was a passenger train, and the kids enjoyed waving
to the passengers and seeing them wave back!

 Now a freight train is passing the passenger train!

It was loud! :)

The view from the gazebo of the brick streets and
shops of Mineola

The third weekend we met at Deborah and Daniel's
just because we wanted to spend more time together!
It was a lovely, warm day, and we spent most of it outside.

Eva blowing bubbles

Anna and Caitlyn in the fairy-like scenery!

 Hudson and Eva were thrilled to find a "rain forest"
(aka tall grass!) for their animals to live in!

Deb, Eva and giraffes!

 And a picture of one of the cutest families on earth! 


That's all for now!