Yesterday the ladies of our church hosted a bridal shower for Anna. It was the most fun shower we have ever attended! :)
Anna with the shower hostesses
They did a wonderful job of making everything look beautiful!
These are pictures of Anna and Steven.
Cathi pins on Anna's corsage.
Anna and Mama
Some of the shower guests
Allie, our cousin Amy's daughter, is going to be Anna's flower girl.
Anna and Sarah H.
Sarah came all the way from Texas to be here for the shower.
Two adorable little boys came with their mommies to the shower.
This is Abram...
...and this is Josiah.
Mama Flo and Anna
We were happy to have several of our aunts and cousins at the shower.
Our Aunt Sheron and cousin Tiffany look at Anna's ring.
Visiting with friends
Abram, Hannah, Allie, and Amanda
Amanda, Mrs. Kirk, Laura, Anna P., Rebekah, Melissa, and Tiffany
Sarah L. and Sarah H.
Bethany and Anna
Abram, Allyn, and Deborah
Opening the gifts
Two-year-old Bethany enjoyed helping Anna open her gifts.
There were many generous friends and relatives at the shower and Anna received a lot of nice gifts. Afterwards we enjoyed helping her unload everything into their future home, but we forgot to take pictures!