Our cousin Livy turned 3 on Tuesday! We had a birthday party for her at our house.
Emily made a cake in the shape of a 3, and Livy helped decorate it.
Yummy! (and yes, I washed her hands after this!)
Livy's daddy made her a pink elephant cake. Livy loved both of her cakes!

A party hat for Pawpaw...
...and one for Uncle Michael - Oops! That's not where it goes!
Why not wear lots of party hats? :)
Here Livy is taking a picture of Pawpaw with all his funny hats
Opening presents
A doll from Aunt Misty and Uncle Michael
Livy loves Elmo, so Emily made her an Elmo outfit! It is so cute!
Happy Birthday, Livy! We love you so much!!