For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. Isaiah 9:6&7
Monday, December 25, 2017
Thursday, December 21, 2017
The Lewis Edition: Our Fall
In October Russell played a concert in Arkansas
and we got to stay with our friends, the Harbours!
I think the highlight for all of us was jamming together!
We knew a lot of the same tunes, which made it SO fun!!!
"I Saw the Light"
We also did some singing around the piano, went
to church together, and enjoyed some very yummy meals!
Thanks for the picture and video, Ronda, and thank you all
for your hospitality! We had a wonderful time!!!
Russell and I enjoyed having our friends Anna and Lydia
spend a week with us while their parents went on a trip.
We spent several fun hours like this, visiting while working on
various sewing projects.
Basket of activities to do while the girls were with us.
Lydia's finished project!
Anna crocheted this hat for Lydia.
The girls had their first piano lessons
and enjoyed practicing on our piano.
One day we packed a picnic lunch and went to the park.
The weather was lovely!
Selfie! (Sorry, Anna!)
Dumpster find! 😂
(Actually, I saw our neighbor carry it out
and went and retrieved it!)
It doesn't look bad at all with stuff on it! ;)
I got to go hear Mozart's "The Magic Flute,"
and thoroughly enjoyed it!
We weren't allowed to take pictures during the opera,
but I snapped this of the amazing stage set before it started.
(Russell was in the pit ;))
Gift for a friend. I had so much fun stitching these!
We were so happy to be able to celebrate the wedding
of these dear friends!
Congratulations, Andrew and Ruthie!!!

It was wonderful to spend time with my family (who came down
for the wedding), assist with the rehearsal dinner, and get to see
so many friends!
Mel did my hair. :)
We took a 10-day trip to Tennessee over Thanksgiving!
The view from what used to be my bedroom window. :)
I've always loved this view and watching the seasons change.
Celebrating a day of Thanksgiving at Mama Flo's. :)
Fun painting project Sarah brought for the children.
Anna and Hudson playing a game
Cousin picture!
Mama Flo enjoying her eighth great-grandchild.
Saw this at the gas station as we were leaving my hometown
and had to snap a picture ... so "country" and cute!
Friday, December 8, 2017
Christmas Decorating
We put our Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. The little ones were all eager to help!
Hugh really got into the decorating.
Time for the ornaments!
Even Caitlyn got in on the fun
Thanksgiving Day
We enjoyed celebrating Thanksgiving at our grandmother's house last month.
Deborah, Mama Flo, and Caitlyn
Hugh and Amanda
Caitlyn and Rachel
Allie and Caitlyn
Deborah and Hudson
Sarah and Katherine
Katherine and Hugh really enjoyed watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Busy at work in the kitchen
Cousin pictures
Talking with Aunt Donna
Caitlyn and Anna
Katherine tries to scheme a way to get around the gate and climb the stairs
Dinner time
Caitlyn was definitely the center of attention!
Painting Thanksgiving suncatchers
Katherine shows off her new skill - knowing the colors
Eva, Allie, and Livy
Thanksgiving evening, some of us went to visit some friends.
Daniel, Deborah, Roxana, Tony, Jeremy, Caitlyn, and Justin
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