Uncle Russell enjoying baby Daniel ...
... and sharing a snack with Caitlyn.
Uncle Russell's violin playing put this little fella to sleep!
We carpooled to Tennessee with Deborah and Daniel.
Caitlyn makes the best seat partner!
The trip to Tennessee was in honor of Daddy and Mama's 50th Anniversary!
I'm so grateful for them and their faithfulness to one another!❤
A few pics from their special anniversary day!

Caitlyn joined in the pre-celebration preparations
by adding a fake flower to the cake. Precious!


Mama Flo and baby Daniel


Daddy was so pleased to see his high school football coach!

And two dear sets of friends from Texas drove all the way
to help us celebrate!

While in Tennessee, Caitlyn enjoyed meeting Ginger,
our friends, the Ashes, milk cow
This calf couldn't get enough of licking me
once he finished his bucket of milk!
Back home...
My sweet, diligent student, Josiah.
We have so much fun together!
We had some more clearing and dirt work done.





After the leveling was completed we were able to plant grass!
Here it is, just barely coming up!
Look closely! ;)
Our neighbor made a sign for our porch ... I mean, Daisy's porch! ;)
We love it, Rod!
We bought a small travel trailer!
So looking forward to taking a trip in it!!!
Lydia celebrated her 16th birthday!
My sweet friend, Becky (her mom)
Our cat, who disappeared with her last two kittens
soon after we moved, came back for about 24 hours.
She is pregnant again!
We miss her, and hope she comes home to stay!
Our jolly green pond! 😂
Going to be working on this ...
Marigolds I started from seed
Squash plants have always been one of my favorites!
Summer salad, with vegetables from our garden and Deborah's!

Russell, playing for a Sunday morning service
at a church in Longview.