Rebekah and I (Sarah) are spending two weeks in Syracuse, IN, volunteering at a camp for disabled people and their families.
Daddy and David drove us up here last Saturday. We ran into a lot of flooding in southern Indiana.
These signs became a frequent sight as we tried to find an alternate route.Apparently there had been a tornado in this town.
After many detours we finally arrived at Oakwood, the retreat location, that evening.
Here are some pictures from our wonderful week!
Rebekah was assigned to help Logan...
...and I was assigned to Brandon.
There were various activities for the families to enjoy during the week...
...including a bounce house...
...horseback riding...
...a petting zoo...
... a climbing wall...
...and a zip line.
Logan plays in the tunnel
Logan enjoys popcorn as he watches the parade.
Some of the Junior High team
Logan plays on the playground
Brandon works on a craft.
The junior/senior high and young adult worship time.
On Tuesday evening we had a hoe down.
This is Logan's sweet little sister, Emma.
Logan at the hoedown
Rebekah loved being with Logan and Emma!
Rebekah and Katie, our roommate, make snow cones for the children.
Scott, Joe, and Brandon
Both of us had a wonderful week with the preci0us little boys we were assigned to! We both think that we got the best "assignment" in the entire camp, but the other volunteers disagree. We are very grateful to our church for paying our way, and to Daddy for driving us up here!!!!
Click here for pictures from the second week of camp.
I so enjoyed looking at the pictures of camp!