Jonathan and Chris Farris (A friend from church who campaigned for Wamp at the Adamsville precinct)

Sarah was the Election Judge for Stantonville.
The Stantonville poll workers
Deborah and Rebekah campaigned at the Stantonville polling location.
Melissa and Emily in Bethel Springs.
A dump truck sized bumpersticker :)

Jonathan and Amanda stood at the Selmer Civic Center, where 3 precincts voted.
When the polls closed we all met at the Courthouse to hear the election results.
Visiting with friends...waiting for the ballot boxes to be brought in from each precinct
Daddy and Mr. Cox
A sample ballot - click to view larger image
Jonathan and Michael Williams, a fellow Wamp supporter who campaigned at the polls in Michie.
Checking the numbers for the Governor's race :(
Ballot boxes begin to arrive!
Daddy and David carry Stantonville's boxes down to the basement.
Down in the basement, Alderman John Smith reads the latest County numbers
The numbers can be heard all through the courthouse and out on the lawn...
...and everyone hurries to write them down.
Melissa and Charles Lee comparing notes
Two of the Buck boys listening to the latest numbers in the Sheriff's race
Watch this video to see what it's like to be at the McNairy County Courthouse on election night!
Guy Buck - our new Sheriff! :)
Congratulations to Sheriff-elect Guy Buck, and to all of our incumbents who were re-elected!!!
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