Deborah Faith

Deborah is a lot of fun! She has a very cheerful and light-hearted personality and she keeps us all laughing! Deborah is also very merciful and tender-hearted. She's always sensitive to those who are hurting or in need. She enjoys researching our family's geneology and has successfully traced our Smith family history back over a thousand years. She likes using her family tree software to organize her data. Deborah is also a very good photographer! She very much enjoys babysitting regularly for our 2-year-old cousin, Olivia.

Did You Know That...?
- The first time Deborah was left with a babysitter without any older siblings to "protect" her, she hid under the bed and the babysitter couldn't find her! (She was 4 and remembers it well!)
- Deborah says that she used to show off excessively!
- Deborah is very bold and has never met a stranger!
- When Deborah was 5 years old she fell into our harp teacher's swimming pool while playing "follow-the-leader" with some of her sisters. (It was winter-time!)
- Deborah's favorite thing to do is play with babies and small children.
- Deborah has always loved Beatrix Potter's hedgehog character, "Mrs. Tiggywinkle."
-One of Deborah's interesting hobbies is collecting bones, fossils and similar objects. She displays her collection in her museum, "The Smithsonian."
- When Deborah was little she was sitting on the bench at our kitchen table. She decided to see how far she could lean back before she fell...and when she fell she got a concussion!
- Deborah likes to make up words to describe things or feelings.
- Deborah's favorite American heroes are Sgt. Alvin C. York and Mike Huckabee.
- Deborah's favorite instrument to play is definitely the fiddle.
Deborah has been a wonderful addition to our Gooch, etc. family's "cousin connections." We love to read her comments on the website and she is definitely a great researcher. Julie Russell Hilton