Loren Douglas

Daddy was born in Selmer, Tennessee, but since his father worked for Kroger, their family moved around to several different places while he was growing up, including Arkansas, a few different Tennessee cities, and Michigan. His family returned to Selmer when Daddy was in high school. Our grandmother tells us that Daddy was a very good student, a good worker, and always mature and responsible. Daddy studied chemical engineering at Vanderbilt University and married Mama after his graduation in 1969. Daddy loves the oil business, and worked for Conoco and Fina. His companies transferred him to different locations quite often so we moved around a lot. He was also in the Army for a while. Daddy has a great sense of humor and he is certainly the smartest person in our family! He is a very organized and orderly person. Daddy provides wonderful leadership for our family and is continually making sacrifices for us. We are thankful for his godly vision and humility and for how he works so hard to provide for us! Daddy serves as an elder in our local church and is involved in our county Republican party. He really enjoys music (particularly brass).

- Daddy's great grandmother was a full-blooded Cherokee Indian!
- Daddy is the oldest of three boys.
- Daddy loves peanuts!
- Daddy's favorite musical group is "The Canadian Brass."
- When he was young Daddy asked his mother what 100 and 1 was. When she told him that it was 101, he replied "That's what I just said." He could not be convinced that 100 and 1 = 101!
- Daddy's great-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-grandfather was Daniel Boone's uncle!
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