For instance, Melissa drew a woman singing while a man accompanied her on the piano. When the pictures are finished, each person passes his picture to the player on his left. Each person looks at the picture that was passed to him and writes a description of it underneath the picture.
When you have described the picture you fold the picture under so the only thing showing is the description you have just written. Then each one again passes his paper to the left.
This time each player gets a paper with a description written on it and tries to draw what was described by the previous player.
Again, you fold under everything except the picture you have just drawn, and pass it on to the left.
Each time a paper is passed to you you either draw what the previous player described, or describe what the previous player drew.
Describe the picture... ...draw what is described...
...describe what was drawn...
...draw what was described...
This sequence(drawing...folding...passing...describing...folding...passing...) continues until the entire paper is filled.
And then comes the fun part ... looking at the results!
This game looks like fun!!